Monday, September 24, 2012

The Snugly Duckling

Today was clinical #2. I forgot my watch, and had the hardest time getting out of bed.
On the way over I realized in a few months, my clinicals will be at 5:45 A.M. Shudder.
But after getting there, and standing around for a half hour, we were released to do the
stuff we needed to get done, and for me, that was interview one of the residents there.
I was worried she wouldn't give me good answers to the dozens of questions I had to 
ask for my assignment. She was great, and I easily answered all the questions, and then
some. It was a lot of fun to listen to all her stories, she even made me cry a bit, and of 
course we laughed together too. The paper's written and turned in, hopefully I get full 
points on it. After that assessment was finished, I didn't really know what else to do,
there weren't any call lights to take care of, and all the residents were at lunch, or just
about at lunch. So thus began the duckling parade. We all wear blue scrub tops (that 
button up, how weird is that) and khaki pants, and I've noticed all six of us students will
stand in the same position, feet together, hands in front, with one hand grasping the other
wrist. It's like we all subconsciously know to stand the same way, one of the nurses saw
it today, she looked at all of us, turned back to her patient, then turned back to us with
this look like, 'are you all seriously standing the same way?' I find it sort of numerous.
Not only do we all stand the same, we also follow each other around during the dull
moments, and we look like a sea of blue and khaki. The CNA's there giggle sometimes
when we walk by in that group. Overall, clinicals have been slightly frustrating thus far.
Today our clinical instructor encouraged us to use our blood pressure cuffs as much
as possible to get used to reading them accurately. Later when the nurse pulled out a 
glucometer and asked which one of us wanted to get a blood glucose reading, almost
all of my fellow students got this look like, 'you want me to poke a patient and draw 
BLOOD?' I had to laugh internally, then volunteered, and did the procedure while they
all watched (and took notes). I am so grateful for the experience I had working as a 
medical assistant, yet at the same time, it's made clinicals less exciting and a little on
the tedious side sometimes. I'm so looking forward to when we start learning new-to
-me information.That's when this will become challenging and a lot more fun, I love a 
good challenge. I'm grateful every single day to finally be in nursing school, working
towards the goal I've had all my life. R.N, here I come! Finding joy in the journey. 


Monday, September 17, 2012

two farewells and a homecoming

All my life, I've been a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Yesterday made me even more proud of my religion, and even more proud the amazing friends I have been blessed with.

Sunday morning at 9 A.M I got to listen to an amazing farewell talk given by the most amazing sister-missionary-to-be, Alicia Jane.
Alicia and I circa 2009
Saying I love this girl would be a gross understatement. She's one of my best friends.

circa 2009
Her talk was amazing. Beyond amazing. I cried and laughed and was so happy to see her speaking about something she holds so dear. HBF, you are going to be a wonderful missionary, and you are going to touch so many people's lives. I am so proud of you, and look up to you more than you will ever realize. The people of San Bernadino, California are lucky to have you for 18 months.

3 years later
Then, it was off to a homecoming for a guy in my ward. It was so good to hear him talk about his experiences, because he had a rough time serving, and we were all so glad to see him grateful for the trials and challenges.

To finish off my 3 Sacrament meeting Sunday, I headed to David's farewell at 1 P.M. David and I have known each other since 3rd grade. Yeah. 3rd grade. Miss. Gagon's class to be exact. Now David's story is honestly amazing, and words don't describe how happy I am to see him serving a mission. He was baptized a member a little over 2 years ago, and it was a prayer come true. When he was called to the Neuquen, Argentina mission, I about died of excitement.
His talk was one big huge testimony, and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even if I had tried.
Oddly enough, after being friends for so many years, I have very few pictures of us together. And unfortunately I forgot to take one with him yesterday. He was busy. I was forgetful. Here's a pic from our Logan trip a few weeks ago.

Sad that this is the best pic of us...
2 years better fly by dude. I don't know how I'll make it through nursing school without you a text away.

To end the day, I got a beautiful sunset to send me back to Price.

So stinking proud of these two amazing friends! Love you both.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Difference 3 Years Makes

This ever adorable picture of me was taken during my first week of college at Utah State University.
I was still figuring out who I wanted to be (hence the peace signs).
I was new to living on my own, without parents, and adjusting to a roommate.
I had just struck up new friendship and rekindled old ones.
I was living entirely off my parents.
I was job free, and worry free.
I knew where I wanted to go, but not so sure how I was gonna get there.
Life was so incredibly good.

Flash forward three years.

This equally adorable picture of me was taken during my first week of nursing school
(excluding summer semester, roll with it)
I am incredibly happy with who I've decided to be.
I am a seasoned pro when it comes to living on my own, and having my own
bedroom is so totally worth the price.
I have successfully kept friendships with good people, and learned to weed out the people who aren't.
I live entirely off my own dollar.
I work part time, and have a lot more worries to manage.
It took me long enough, but I got where I wanted to go, and now I'm working to stay there.
Life is so incredibly good.

Would I have guessed that it would take me 4 nursing school rejections before getting in?
That I'd leave the school I loved and go to community college to finish prerequisites?
Yeah right.
That I'd work full time as a medical assistant for a full year?
Uh-huh. Sure.
That I would move to Orlando Florida and spend 5 months at Walt Disney World?
No way!
That I'd write a missionary for a full 2 years, but then be told to change directions?
That I'd move to Price, Utah for nursing school?
Where's that?

Life is so unpredictable, and I have learned to find joy in the journey.
I'm grateful for this blog, that has allowed me to journal for the first time in years.
I'm grateful for my family, who I love so very much.
I"m grateful for the friends who have made me who I am today.
I'm grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I"m grateful for my life.

Life is so incredibly good.

The Laborious Day

My Labor Day was filled with anything but labor. (Thank Heavens!)

I drove home on Sunday night after church and spent the night with my family. Then, bright and early Monday morning, I picked up my friend, David, and we headed up to Utah State University so I could meet up with old friends.

David was kind enough to drive, and seeing as I had a test Tuesday, I took advantage of the time to study while David hummed to the radio.

Once we got to Logan, we headed to Reeder Hall, where Chris lives and met up with my guy friends Eric, Sal and Brinton.

We ate at Firehouse Pizzeria, which is my absolute favorite place to eat in the entire planet. We all split some pizzas and the Logan-famous FH'zookie for dessert.

And, before David and I left, we walked around campus, stared at 2 new buildings that were built since I graduated, and took some pictures on the ever famous Aggie A.

It was so incredibly good to see my guys again! It had been almost 2 years since seeing Sal and Eric, and I hadn't seen Brinton since High School. I'm so lucky I got to spend my holiday with 5 amazing, funny, awesome guys.
