Instead of focusing on the miracle of Christ's resurrection,
I'm going to focus on the miracles Christ is working currently in my life.
His resurrection was truly a miracle.
But He's not done working miracles.
He and Heavenly Father will never cease to amaze me.
Back when I was at USU, I took chem 1110,
but their curriculum didn't include the 1115 lab.
My teacher just did experiments in class, and class was 4 days a week.
After getting accepted to the nursing program down here,
I noticed a paper saying I needed 1110 and 1115.
I knew I didn't have that chem 1115 class, and I figured I'd have to take it
over summer, down at SLCC.
I checked with the director, and she confirmed my fear.
But then I checked with the soon-to-be director,
mostly because I needed to know the summer semester schedule
so I could schedule my lab with SLCC.
She gave me this confused look when I told her my situation,
and said she'd get back to me on the 1115 class.
Guess what, ya'll that USU prefix saved me.
I don't have to take chem lab over the summer!
On Friday, I took a computer test that determines
the possibility of passing the NCLEX-PN
(PN is practical nurse, btw)
I had been stressing about it all week.
My practice test's result was horrid.
But the results of the actual test?
97% pass rate!
AKA: It's almost guaranteed I'm going to pass!
Hope you're having a good Easter Sunday.