Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Let's Do It Again!

I'm going to apply for another Disney College Program.
I'm dying with excitement.
I'm waiting patiently
I'm checking the application website like a crazed Disney-aholic.

I just want to apply already!
I want to do my interview,
I want to start planning for my future!
I want to be back at the magic!

So many exclamation points!!!


Monday, January 20, 2014


I've already started taking things off the walls.
I'm antsy to get things squared away.
But at the same time, it makes me so sad.

I want to be able to remember all the little details.

It's nothing special,
but this room has been my home for so long. 
I'm going to miss it.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Brown Paper Packages

I should really call them cardboard boxes, but that sounds less whimsical and more like reality.

In 7 weeks, I will be moving back to Draper and I'll make the 2 hour commute to class as needed until graduation on April 25. I am taking advantage of the down time I have now to start packing up the things I can live without. Of course, I don't know where these boxes are going, so I also have to pack according to temperature. I can't put my expensive Bath & Body Works candles in a box that's going to end up in some outdoor storage unit, that's for sure!

I went around taking pictures today so I could start taking down the decorations and such, which has made me uncharacteristically sad about this. I usually welcome change. I'm usually so excited for the next adventure. Somehow, I've come to the point where I don't want this adventure to end. It may be due to the fact that this is the longest time I have lived in one place (excluding growing up in my parent's house) and I have grown to love my home. I loved going home to my family and my big city, but it was always so nice to drive back to my home in Price, where all my things were waiting for me.

I don't know where I will end up next. I find that scary, yet terribly exciting. The possibilities are huge! This is a wonderful thing about nursing; I can go anywhere in the world and find a job. But this makes me wonder how to pack.  Should I pack according to necessity? Pack according to room? Usefulness? Importance? Should I toss the insignificant stuff? I am packing 19 months worth of stuff and memories into cardboard boxes, and I don't know their end destination.

When I moved to this tiny town in July of '12, I wished for the day that I would leave it. I made count-down chains and plans for my far off future. Now that it is time to move to the next chapter, I almost wish I could flip back a few pages and stay here just a little longer. Crazy how you grow attached to places you never thought you would miss.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

No Country Accent For Me!

So I took this fun American accent quiz a few weeks ago, just to see my results. 
I remember having a conversation about my 'neutral American accent' with Sharleen in Australia, so I was curious if the quiz would back me up. 
Lo and behold,
My results placed me in Reno, Nevada; Portland, Oregon
Salt Lake City, Utah.

Yay accurate quiz!
Go try it, see if your results are right!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Semester Thus Far

It's been a good week.
We were given our semester schedules, and I am very excited for what the next 4 months hold for me. We have clinical rotations scheduled up in Salt Lake during the last month of class, where I'll get to experience working at a psych hospital, a children's' hospital, and intensive care units. 
It's going to be a great intro to life in a large city hospital.
Not to mention, we are finally implementing 12 hour clinical shifts (though honestly they're going to add up to about 9 hour shifts between student meetings and food breaks).
People are already talking about signing up for the NCLEX-RN, and my optimistic anxieties are starting to rev their engines. 
I'm half thrilled and half terrified to be at this point.
Am I ready to be a graduated nurse in 4 months?
Maybe I'll run away to Disney World to treasure my last few months of 'childhood'.
That sounds pretty good to me.
